Commissioner Proceedings
June 11, 2013
The Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, June 11, 2013 in the Commissioners’ Room at the Government Center.
Call to Order
Chairman Hanson called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited with the following members present: Commissioners Patty Beckel, Ed Arnesen, Thomas Hanson, Buck Nordlof and Ken Moorman. Also present were: Chief Deputy Auditor, Lorene Hanson, Deputy Auditor Janet Rudd, and John Oren.
Approval of Agenda
Motion was made by Commissioner Arnesen to approve the agenda with the following additions: Drainage Issues, Travel for Lorene Hanson, MaryJo Otten and Christine Hultman, S.E.H Resolution and Emergency Management. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Beckel and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Approval of Consent Agenda
Motion was made by Commissioner Nordlof to approve the consent agenda as follows: Travel for Christie Russell to Deerwood for 2013 Vitals Session on June 11-12; Lorene Hanson to St. Cloud on June 14 for Payroll Health Reform and to Deerwood on June 25-28 for MACATFO; Christine Hultman to Grand Rapids on June 24-26 for AMSSA Conference and MaryJo Otten to St. Paul for State Board of Equalization on June 12-13. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Moorman and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Approval of Minutes
Motion was made by Commissioner Moorman to approve the minutes of May 28, 2013, regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Beckel and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Drainage issues
George Swentik met with the board to discuss a serious problem of a beaver dam that is flooding 40 acres of his land. Public Works Director, Tim Erickson informed George and the board that he will have someone out to his land by this evening to take care of the dam.
Emergency management director
Chairman Hanson discussed the vacant Emergency Management Director Position with the board.
Motion was made by Commissioner Arnesen to authorize County Sheriff, Gary Fish to advertise for Emergency Management Director position for a 24 hour work week. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Moorman and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
County Auditor
Chief Deputy Auditor, Lorene Hanson met with the board for approval of claims:
Motion was made by Commissioner Moorman to approve the claims as follows:
Revenue $ 20,408.08
Road and Bridge $ 34,081.41
Co. Devlp. $ 3,080.00
Solid Waste $ 28,967.16
EDA $ 1,500.00
$ 88,036.65
Warrants Approved On 6/11/2013 For Payment 6/14/2013
Vendor Name Amount
Howard’s Oil Company 2,035.05
LOW Highway Dept 4,872.57
Mar-Kit Landfill 11,269.35
Midway Ford 21,818.92
R & Q Trucking, Inc 3,262.65
Roseau County Cooperative Assn 2,179.50
Widseth Smith Nolting&Asst Inc 3,796.67
Woody’s Service 5,718.34
74 Payments less than 2000 33,083.60
Final Total: 88,036.65
Further moved to authorize the payment of the following auditor warrants:
May 29, 2013 $ 1,678.92
May 31, 2013 $ 676,029.36
May 31, 2013 $ 678.41
June 5, 2013 $ 102,209.16
June 5, 2013 $ 257,140.36
June 6, 2013 $ 8,896.71
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Beckel and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Liquor License
Chief Deputy Auditor, Lorene Hanson met with the board requesting approval for the 2013 Liquor License, Cigarette License and 3.2 percent Malt Liquor License.
Motion was made by Commissioner Beckel to approve the following 2013 On/Off Sale and Sunday Liquor License; On-Sale Sunday Liquor License; Off-Sale Only, Cigarette Licenses and 3.2 on and Off Sale Malt Liquor License as permitted by County Sheriff, Gary Fish and County Attorney, Philip Miller:
On/Off Sale and Sunday Liquor License:
Adrian’s Resort, Angle Inn Resort, Ballard’s Resort, Borderview Lodge, Morris Point Lakeview Lodge, Riverbend Resort, Rock Harbor Lodge, Sportsman’s Lodge, Wigwam Resort, Zippel Bay Resort, Sportsman’s Oak Island Lodge; Randall’s Resort;
On-Sale and Sunday Liquor License:
Cyrus Resort, Ken-Mar-Ke Resort, Blue Eyed Chief Bar & Grill, Wheelers Point Resort, Slims Resort and Elkhorn Outfitters-Riverview Resort;
Off-Sale Only:
Log Cabin Liquors Inc;
Cigarette License:
Adrian’s Resort, Ballard’s Resort, Bay Store, Borderview Lodge, Cenex, City of Williams, City of Baudette, Cyrus Resort, Border Bait, Holiday Station, Howard’s, Jeanette Mcatee, Lake of the Woods Foods, Log Cabin Bait, Log Cabin Liquors, Long Point Resort, Morris Point Lakeview Lodge, Rock Harbor Lodge, Slims Resort, Sportsman’s Lodge, Sportsman’s of Oak Island Lodge, Sunset Lodge, Andy’s Garages, Wheeler’s Point, Zippel Bay Resort;
3.2 On-Sale Malt Liquor:
Long Point Resort, Ships Wheel and Oak Island Resort;
3.2 Off-Sale Malt Liquor:
Angle Outpost, Bay Store, Cyrus Resort, Border Bait, Blue Eyed Chief Bar & Grill, Long Point Resort, Flag Island. Oak Island Resort, Rock Harbor Lodge, Log Cabin Bait,
Set-Up License:
Ships Wheel Resort.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nordlof and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried with Commissioner Arnesen abstaining from voting.
S E H Approval for Contract and Resolution for authorization to execute a Grant Agreement with State of MN/ Commissioner of Transportation- Grant No. 04137
Chief Deputy Auditor, Lorene Hanson met with the board requesting approval to enter into an Architect/Engineer Agreement with Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. for the NWA Airport and to execute a grant agreement with the State of MN-Commissioner of Transportation.
Motion was made by Commissioner Arnesen to authorize Chairman Hanson and County Attorney, Philip Miller to sign the Professional Service Agreement between Lake of the Woods County and Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. (S E H), to perform Architectural, Engineering and/or other Professional Services for the project at Lake of the Woods County for the proposed Northwest Angle Airport, entitled Feasibility Study- Phase II. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Moorman and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried
Authorization to Execute Minnesota Department of Transportation Grant Agreement for Airport Improvement Excluding Land Acquisition
Resolution No. 13-06-01
The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Arnesen and moved for adoption:
Therefore, be it resolved that Lake of the Woods County:
- That the state of Minnesota Agreement No. 04137,
“Grant Agreement for Airport Improvement Excluding Land Acquisition” for State Project No. A3902-01 at the NorthWest Angle Airport is accepted.
2. That Chairman Hanson, Chief Deputy Auditor, Lorene Hanson and County Attorney, Philip Miller are authorized to execute this Agreement and any amendments on behalf of Lake of the Woods County.
The resolution was seconded by Commissioner Beckel and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
County Leased Lands
Chief Deputy Auditor, Lorene Hanson met with the board informing the board that the office had an inquiry about county leased lands and the usage of this land. The board concurred that County leased lands are used for agriculture use only.
The board reviewed the following AMC handouts:
- 2013 AMC Policy Committee Delegates
- New Disclosure Requirements for County Commissioners
- Levy Limits and Sales Tax Reporting Requirements
- New Transportation Revenue Sources
- MCIT privacy Claims
- AMC Policy Committee meeting is September 6, 2013 in Alexandria.
Social Services
Social Service Director, Nancy Wendler met the board requesting approval of claims.
Motion was made by Commissioner Beckel to approve the claims against the county as follows:
Commissioner Warrants $ 10,321.67
Commissioner Warrants $ 13,881.48
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Moorman and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Cell Phone Stipend
Social Service Director, Nancy Wendler met the board requesting approval for cell phone stipend for Social Service Supervisor, Amy Ballard.
Motion was made by Commissioner Moorman to approve a cell phone stipend for a regular cell phone for Amy Ballard in the amount of $40.00. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Beckel and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Land and Water Planning
Land and Water Planning Director, Josh Stromlund met with the board to review the Williams Creek letter that the board requested him to draft.
Motion was made by Commissioner Nordlof to approve the Williams Creek letter with changes and authorize Chairman Hanson to sign. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Moorman and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
The meeting was called to recess at 10:41 a.m. and reconvened at 10:53 a.m. as follows:
Public Works Director, Tim Erickson met with the board to requesting approval to pass a resolution in support of the MarKit Landfill Certificate need.
Resolution in Support of the MarKit Landfill’s Certificate of Need
Resolution No. 13-06-02
The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Arnesen and moved for adoption:
WHEREAS, Lake of the Woods County directs all of its mixed municipal solid waste to the Mar-Kit Landfill under a waste delivery contract with Mar-Kit Joint Powers Board, and
WHEREAS, the Mar-Kit Landfill will exhaust the landfill capacity granted by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) Permit prior to the expiration of the delivery contract in 2015 , and
WHEREAS, Lake of the Woods County supports Mar-Kit’s requests that the MPCA grant additional Certificate of Need (CON) for additional capacity at the Landfill on a short-term basis so that services to the County are not interrupted, and
WHEREAS, Lake of the Woods County is in the process of preparing a Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan (CSWMP) Update per Minn. Stat. § 115A.46, and
WHEREAS, the new CSWMP is the document upon which a long-term, (2015-2025), CON may be authorized and calculated by MPCA, and
WHEREAS, Lake of the Woods County intends to continue to operate a solid waste management system that meets the requirements of State law: specifically, that Lake of the Woods County will continue to reduce its dependence on land disposal by utilizing a variety of landfill abatement programs, and
WHEREAS, Lake of the Woods County will continue to coordinate planning its future solid waste management system with neighboring Counties, and
WHEREAS, Lake of the Woods County will work with MPCA to determine the need for additional land disposal capacity through its new CSWMP, and now therefore;
BE IT RESOLVED, Lake of the Woods County pledges to use its best efforts to continue to operate a solid waste management system that reduces the need for and practice of land disposal, to formulate and adopt a new CSWMP in 2014, and to support the Mar-Kit Landfill’s development of a short- term request for a Certificate of Need for Additional Land Disposal Capacity, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Lake of the Woods County, without committing to deliver waste to Mar-Kit after the expiration of the existing delivery contract in 2015, will adopt a new CSWMP that fulfills MPCA’s need for information to determine the need for land disposal capacity for the period from 2015 to 2025.
The resolution was seconded by Commissioner Moorman and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried.
District Aid Engineer Lou Tasa
Public Works Director, Tim Erickson and District Aid Engineer, Lou Tasa met with the board and Lou informed the board that MN DOT contacted the DNR and that they are not interested in the Clementson Wayside Parcel and that the DNR supports the conveyance to Lake of the Woods County for park purposes. DOT will be looking into the title search of the property and get back to the county.
MN State Patrol, Captain Michael Hanson, and Northern MN TZD Coordinator, Holly Kostrzewski met with the board and presented the Zero Death Presentation to the board.
The meeting was called to recess at 11:43 a.m. and reconvened at 1:00 p.m. as follows:
Motion was made by Commissioner Moorman to close the regular meeting at 1:01 p.m. and open the Public Hearing for the usage of Drainage System as Outlet into Ditch #1 pursuant MN Stat. § 103E.401. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Beckel and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Public Hearing
Chairman Hanson welcomed Attorney Kurt A. Deter to the Public Hearing. Mr. Deter informed the board that Roger Ellingson, from Ellingson Companies petitioned the county to allow him the use of Ditch 1 as an outlet for 19 acres that are not assessed into Lake of the Woods County Ditch 1.
Mr. Deter explained that the first step for allowing the outlet is if the Ditch system has the capacity to hold the water, and if so, then the Ditch Authority places a franchise outlet fee and an assessment fee as recommended by the Ditch Authority. The Ditch Authority concurred that the system does have the capability to hold the additional drainage.
Motion was made by Commissioner Arnesen to access a franchise outlet fee of $250, and assessment value to be equal to adjacent assessment benefited acres. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nordlof and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Motion was made by Commissioner Nordlof to close the Public Hearing at 1:20 p.m. and open the regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Arnesen and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Old/New Business
Updates on the following:
Lessard –Sams Outdoor Heritage Council/Outdoor Heritage Fund- percentagechanged to DNR 40%, Metro 40% and Greater MN 20%
Celementson Bridge Property/Water Accesses- right of way issues
Towers-Lude Tower, not sure if complete
Williams School- boarded up
The following correspondence was acknowledged: Retirement Open House for HRDC Cliff Tweedale.
With no further business before the board, Chairman Hanson called the meeting to recess at 1:19 p.m.
Attest: Approved: June 25, 2013
____________________________ _______________________________
Janet E. Rudd, Deputy Auditor Thomas Hanson, Chairman of the Board
Lake of the Woods County
Board of Appeal and Equalization
June 19, 2013
The Lake of the Woods County Board of Appeal and Equalization met on Wednesday, June 19, 2013, in the Commissioners’ Room of the Lake of the Woods County Government Center.
Call to Order
County Board Chair Tom Hanson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited with the following members present: Commissioners: Patty Beckel, Tom Hanson, Ken Moorman, Buck Nordlof and Chief Deputy Auditor Lorene Hanson. Also present were: County Assessor Mary Jo Otten, Assistant Assessor Dale Boretski, County Recorder Sue Ney, Gloriann Fischer and Marlys Hirst. Commissioner Ed Arnesen arrived later during the meeting. County Recorder Sue Ney swore in the members of the Lake of the Woods County Board of Appeal and Equalization.
County Board Chair Tom Hanson explained that all appeals would be heard before any action would be taken.
County Assessor
County Assessor Mary Jo Otten issued and reviewed the following reports:
- 2012/2013 Comparisons / New Construction — by Townships
- New Construction and Market Value by Year — 1980 through 2013
- Land Sales and Sales Ratios in their respective townships
Mary Jo further explained that the valuation period is from sales during October 1, 2011 through September 30, 2012, and discussed adjustments that had been made during the past year.
Property Owners
Meeting with the County Board was Marlys Hirst, representing the Lake of the Woods County Museum in the City of Baudette. Marlys realized she was at the County Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting instead of the City/Local Board meeting; however she had some questions for the County Board. County Assessor Mary Jo Otten reviewed the property in question and explained that being it was being rented to a private party, it was valued accordingly.
Meeting with the County Board was Gloriann Fischer, property owner in Spooner Township. County Assessor Mary Jo Otten reviewed the new construction in the Baudette and Williams areas; explained the different sales and how they may or may not affect property values, reviewed residential and seasonal sales and further discussed the tax court case.
County Assessor Mary Jo Otten presented information from Peter Cich, property owner in Gudrid Township. County Assessor Mary Jo Otten reviewed values and the classification being assessed to his property.
County Assessor Mary Jo Otten presented information from AET, Larry Larson property owner in Spooner Township. County Assessor Mary Jo Otten reviewed the additional buildings and also the buildings being removed and how they affect the assessed value of the property.
County Assessor Mary Jo Otten presented information from Gwendolyn Wikstrom, Wabanica Township. She reviewed the values assessed to the property.
County Assessor Mary Jo Otten presented a letter from Bradley Berg, Flag Island, Angle Township. County Assessor Mary Jo Otten reviewed the values of similar properties in this area.
County Assessor Mary Jo Otten presented information from Doug Freitag, property owner Angle Township. County Assessor reviewed the assessed value of the property, the values of similar properties and the purchasing price of this property.
With no further questions or comments from the public and the need for some issues to be researched, Commissioner Tom Hanson called the meeting recessed at 7:01 p.m. and rescheduled the Lake of the Woods County Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting to reconvene Tuesday, June 25, 2013, at 11:30 a.m.
The Lake of the Woods County Board of Appeal and Equalization met and reconvened on Tuesday, June 25, 2013, at 11:45 a.m. in the Commissioners’ Room of the Lake of the Woods County Government Center.
Call to Order
County Board Chair Tom Hanson called the meeting to order at 11:30 a.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited with the following members present: Commissioners: Ed Arnesen, Patty Beckel, Tom Hanson, Ken Moorman, Buck Nordlof and Chief Deputy Auditor Lorene Hanson. Also present were: County Assessor Mary Jo Otten and County Recorder Sue Ney. County Recorder Sue Ney swore in member, Commissioner Ed Arnesen of the Lake of the Woods County Board of Appeal and Equalization, noting the remaining members were previously sworn in at the original Lake of the Woods County Board of Appeal and Equalization.
County Board Chair Tom Hanson explained that the appeals had been heard at the previous meeting and there would be no new appeals before the Board. County Assessor Mary Jo Otten reviewed the required research from the prior meeting.
After hearing all the appeals, questions and comments, the following action was taken:
Marlys Hirst, representing the Lake of the Woods County Museum property owner in the City of Baudette, Parcel No.; the County Board of Appeal and Equalization noted this was property located in the City of Baudette and clarification of this being a rental property and how it had affected the assessed value was addressed by County Assessor Mary Jo Otten at the original Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting on Wednesday, June 19, 2013. No action was taken.
Gloriann Fischer, property owner in Spooner Township, Parcel Numbers and; the Board of Appeal and Equalization noted this was a question and clarification of: new construction, how sales affect property values, and seasonal and residential sales, all of which had been addressed by County Assessor Mary Jo Otten earlier. No action taken.
Peter Cich, property owner in Gudrid Township, Parcel No.; a motion was made by Commissioner Buck Nordlof to reduce the total value from $191,500 to $158,000 and to further reclassify the property from Seasonal Recreational Commercial to Seasonal Recreational Residential. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Tom Hanson and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Larry Larson, AET, property owner in Spooner Township, Parcel No.; motion was made by Commissioner Tom Hanson, to increase the value from $700,100 to $946,800, due to additional buildings added. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Ken Moorman and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Gwendolyn Wikstrom, property owner in Wabanica Township, Parcel No; motion was made by Commissioner Ken Moorman to reduce the total value from $232,800 to $171,000. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Patty Beckel and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Bradley Berg, property owner in Angle Township, Parcel No; motion was made by Commissioner Patty Beckel to reduce the total value from $225,600 to $188,800. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Ed Arnesen and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Doug Freitag, property owner in Angle Township, Parcel No; motion was made by Commissioner Ed Arnesen to reduce the total value from $74,800 to $50,700. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Buck Nordlof and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Motion was made by Chief Deputy Auditor Lorene Hanson to adjourn the County Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting for 2013. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Patty Beckel and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried. County Board Chair Tom Hanson adjourned the Lake of the Woods County Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting for 2013, at 12:00 p.m.
Attest: Approved: _______________________
___________________________ ________________________________
Lorene Hanson, Chief Deputy Auditor Tom Hanson, County Board Chair
Commissioner Proceedings
June 18, 2013
The Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners met in session on Tuesday, June 18, 2013 at Angle Outpost Resort at the Northwest Angle.
Call to Order
Chairman Hanson called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited with the following members present: Commissioners Patty Beckel, Ed Arnesen, Thomas Hanson, Buck Nordlof and Ken Moorman. Also present was: Deputy Auditor Janet Rudd.
Approval of Agenda
Motion was made by Commissioner Moorman to approve the agenda with the following additions: Interim Emergency Management Director. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Beckel and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Principal, Benita Crow and Aviation Planner, Kaci Nowicki, from Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. summarized the Northwest Angle Airport Phase 1 study, and presented to date the Phase 2 study. Questions and answers were addressed.
The meeting was called to recess at 11:40 a.m.
The board updated the residents on the Road/Utility Corridor at the Northwest Angle. Questions and answers were addressed.
Chairman Hanson welcomed Senator Skoe and Representative Erickson to the meeting. Senator Skoe and Representative Erickson reviewed the following Legislative updates:
- Balance of Budget
- Improvement on PILT payments
- Ditch Assessment for State to Pay Share
- Township Aid
- County Program Aid
- School Funding
- Wetland/Mitigation issues
- Auditor/Treasurer/Recorder appointed versus elected did pass the Senate, but not reviewed by the House for 2013 session
Chairman Hanson thanked Senator Skoe and Representative Erickson for attending the meeting.
headwater regional development
Headwaters Regional Development Specialist, Marcus Grubbs, met with the residents and reviewed the Hazard Mitigation Plan and informed the residents that he will be scheduling a meeting to present Wild Fire control in the near future.
Compensation Time and Vacation Time
County Sheriff, Gary Fish met with the board requesting approval to for payoff of compensation time and vacation time for Arlen Block
Motion was made by Commissioner Beckel to approve the payoff for Arlen Block compensation time and vacation time in the amount of $3,383.25. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nordlof and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Deputy Sheriff
County Sheriff, Gary Fish met with the board requesting approval to advertise for Deputy Sheriff’s position.
Motion was made by Commissioner Arnesen to authorize County Sheriff, Gary Fish to advertise for Deputy Sheriff. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Moorman and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Liquor License renewal
Deputy Auditor, Janet Rudd requested approval for Liquor License for Jerry’s Restaurant and Lounge LLC for Brian McKeever.
Motion was made by Commissioner Arnesen to approve an On-Off Sale and Sunday Sale liquor License for Jerry’s Restaurant and Lounge LLC effective June 13, 2013 thru June 30, 2013 as permitted by County Sheriff, Gary Fish and County Attorney, Philip Miller. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Beckel and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Motion was made by Commissioner Moorman to approve an On-Off Sale and Sunday Sale liquor License for Jerry’s Restaurant and Lounge LLC effective July 1, 2013 thru June 30, 2014 as permitted by County Sheriff, Gary Fish and County Attorney, Philip Miller. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nordlof and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Chairman Hanson presented a letter from Northwest Community Action requesting a resolution for them to administer the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency’s Family Homeless Prevention Assistance Program in Lake of the Woods County.
The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Arnesen and moved for adoption:
Resolution No. 13-06-03
WHEREAS, the need for homeless prevention and assistance exists in Lake of the Woods County; and
WHEREAS, the Tri-Valley Opportunity Council, Inc. desires to administer the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency’s Family Homeless Prevention and Assistance Program in Lake of the Woods County in accordance with all applicable State and Federal regulations; and
WHEREAS, in order to administer the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency’s Family Homeless Prevention and Assistance Program in Lake of the Woods County, it is necessary for the Tri-Valley Opportunity Council, Inc. to file a resolution of approval executed by the Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners with the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tri-Valley Opportunity Council, Inc. is hereby authorized to:
- Submit a proposal to the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency for funds from the Family Homeless Prevention and Assistance Program to assist people in Lake of the Woods County,
- Administer the Family Homeless Prevention and Assistance Program in Lake of the Woods County, according to the program guidelines, contingent upon funding being granted.
The resolution was seconded by Commissioner Beckel and the same being put to a vote, was unanimolys carried.
Public Works Director, Tim Erickson met with the board to discuss the barge runs that the county has been offering. Tim explained that the purpose of the run was to clean up the Islands, not to remove personal items. The future plan is to clean up each Island, and when the Island is cleaned, then that Island will be removed from the barge runs list; they will continue to clean up all the Islands and when all the Islands are clean, the barge runs will cease.
Interim Emergency Management
The Interim Emergency Management Director was tabled and placed on June 25, 2013 board agenda.
With no further business before the board, Chairman Hanson called the meeting to recess at 2:50 p.m.
Attest: Approved: June 25, 2013
____________________________ _______________________________
Janet E. Rudd, Deputy Auditor Thomas Hanson, Chairman of the Board
Commissioner Proceedings
June 25, 2013
The Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, June 25, 2013 in the Commissioners’ Room at the Government Center.
Call to Order
Chairman Hanson called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited with the following members present: Commissioners Patty Beckel, Ed Arnesen, Thomas Hanson, Buck Nordlof and Ken Moorman. Also present were: Chief Deputy Auditor, Lorene Hanson, Deputy Auditor Janet Rudd, and John Oren.
Approval of Agenda
Motion was made by Commissioner Nordlof to approve the agenda with the following additions: Cartway Petition, July 5 and Lineworkers School. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Arnesen and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Approval of Minutes
Motion was made by Commissioner Beckel to approve the minutes of June 11 regular meeting with changes. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Moorman and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Commissioner Moorman
- May 29-Rainy/Rapid River Board
- June 6-State Advisory Council on Mental Health
- June 12- Lake of the Woods Prevention Coalition
Commissioner Beckel
- June 12- Giziibi RC&D
- June 17 Airport Commission
- June 20 Northwest Community Action
Chairman Hanson discussed the Human Resources vacancy with the board and County Attorney, Philip Miller who has agreed to take over the Human Resources Department. The County Attorney’s Office will not be combined with Human Resources. The job duties will be separate. County Attorney, Philip Miller will draw up a Human Resources Agreement.
Motion was made by Commissioner Moorman to appoint Philip Miller as Human Resource Director retroactive from May 1, 2013 at an annual salary of $15,000 per year. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Arnesen and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
County Auditor
Chief Deputy Auditor, Lorene Hanson met with the board for approval of claims:
Motion was made by Commissioner Moorman to approve the claims as follows:
Revenue 69,902.20
Road and Bridge 28,120.01
Co. Devlp. 2,500.00
Solid Waste 11,922.12
EDA 4,832.69
Warrants Approved On 6/25/2013 For Payment 6/28/2013
Vendor Name Amount
Arrowhead Library System 33,118.02
Baudette LOW Chamber Of Commerce 6,400.00
Crop Production Services 20,805.88
Esri 4,256.58
First State Tire Recycling 10,447.10
Hasler 4,000.00
Northwest Community Action, Inc 2,930.00
Short Elliott Hendrickson, Inc 8,970.00
66 Payments less than 2000 26,349.44
Final Total: 117,277.02
Further moved to authorize the payment of the following auditor warrants:
June 13, 2013 $ 2,547.21
June 13, 2013 $ 69,893.59
June 19, 2013 $ 340,072.60
$ 412,513.40
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Beckel and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Northwest MN Multi-county HRA Section 8 Rental Assistance Choices
Chief Deputy Auditor, Lorene Hanson met with the board requesting approval for a resolution of support for the expansion of Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program in Lake of the Woods County from 15 units not to exceed 20 units.
The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Nordlof and moved for adoption:
Resolution No. 13-07-03
Northwest Minnesota Multi-County HRA Section 8 Rental Assistance Choices
WHEREAS, The Northwest Minnesota Multi County Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) is providing Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers and has agreed to allow Lake of the Woods County to participate in the program, and
WHEREAS, citizens of Lake of the Woods County have benefited from the operation of the program county wide, and
WHEREAS, the HRA has offered to administer the program for Lake of the Woods and make housing choice vouchers available to residents living in Lake of the Woods County,
WHEREAS, Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners supports the efforts of HRA to provide Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers for rental housing throughout Lake of the Woods County,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Lake of the Woods County approves the expansion in the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program in Lake of the Woods County, effective July 1, 2013 from the current 15 units not to exceed 20 units.
The resolution was seconded by Commissioner Arnesen and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Ellingson Benefited Assessment
Chief Deputy Auditor, Lorene Hanson met with the board informing the board that the Ellingson benefited amount for Ditch 1 will be comparable to joining property and that the invoice was sent to Ellingson for the franchise outlet fee in the amount of $250.
County Sheriff, Gary Fish met with the board requesting the board to appoint Interim Emergency Management Director Christina Husbands.
Motion was made by Commissioner Arnesen to appoint Christina Husbands as Interim Emergency Manager Director until position is filled, effective June 25, 2013 at grade 11, step 1with a work week of up to 24 hours. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nordlof and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Generation 911 Grant Extension
County Sheriff, Gary Fish met with the board requesting approval for extension of for the Next Generation 911 (NG911) grant until June 30, 2014.
Motion was made by Commissioner Beckel to approve the extension for the Next Generation 911 grant, Contract No. 3000017851, in the amount of $10,000 for converting to the next generation 911 high speed voice and data network for routing and delivering emergency calls, and authorize Chairman Hanson and County Sheriff, Gary Fish to sign. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Moorman and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
The meeting was called to recess at 9:53 a.m. and reconvened at 10:00 a.m.
Sandy shores /birch beach crossing
Pat Waag representing Sandy Shores/Birch Beach Crossing met with the board to discuss the petition that she circulated among the residents indicating a desire for a crossing that would connect the two lakeside communities. Consensus of the board was to have Public Works Director, Tim Erickson to talk to Meads about their property and to see if they would be interested in an easement.
Social Services
Social Service Director, Nancy Wendler met the board requesting approval of claims.
Motion was made by Commissioner Moorman to approve the claims against the county as follows:
Commissioner Warrants $ 6,865.58
Commissioner Warrants $24,138.14
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Beckel and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
RFP for Health Care Services
Social Service Director, Nancy Wendler met the board requesting a resolution of support for approval
for Lake of the Woods County to provide health care services to recipients of Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare.
The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Beckel and moved for adoption:
Health care services for Medical Assistance and Minnesota Care
Resolution No. 13-07-4
WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Human Services has published a Request For
Proposals to provide health care services to recipients of Medical Assistance and
MinnesotaCare in Lake of the Woods County; and
WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Human Services has requested County
evaluations and recommendations regarding the managed care organization proposals
from each respective county; and
WHEREAS, Blue Plus, Medica, and UCare submitted proposals to provide managed
health care services in Lake of the Woods County and
WHEREAS, representatives of Lake of the Woods County Social Services have reviewed
and evaluated the proposals; and
WHEREAS, Blue Plus, Medica, and UCare did submit proposals, and
WHEREAS, Blue Plus has submitted a proposal suitable to meeting our needs:
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners support the recommendation of Lake of the Woods County Social Services approving Blue Plus as the managed care organization providing managed health care services in Lake of the Woods County.
The resolution was seconded by Commissioner Nordlof and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
Jim Miggins
Jim Miggins, Landowner in Lake of the Woods County met with the board requesting the board to allow him to sell some of his real property to the City of International Falls Economic Development Authority. He informed the board that there are so many restrictions on this parcel of land from the Red Lake Wildlife Management Area that he cannot even get to his land without getting a permit from the DNR; he cannot develop nor get access to the land. The consensus of the board was this would be the best use of this property and for Jim Miggins to move forward with his sale.
Award Bid for S.A.P. 39-598-65 & S.A. P. 39-604-07-Box Culverts
Public Works Director, Tim Erickson met with the board to recommending awarding the bid for S.A.P. 39-598-65 & S.A.P. 39-604-07, Box Culverts to the lowest bidder Lian Construction in the amount of $180,959.
Lake of the Woods County Contract Bid SummaryContract No.: 20132Project No.: SAP 039-598-065, SAP 039-604-007Bid Opening: 06/24/2013 2:00 PM Business NameTotal Bid AmountLian Construction$180,959.00Taggart Excavating & Septic Service$187,450.00Olson Construction TRF Inc.$190,124.00Davidson Ready-Mix & Construction, Inc.$192,474.00Gladen Construction, Inc.$200,125.60Utility Systems of America Inc$232,357.50 |
Business NameTotal Bid AmountLian Construction$180,959.00Taggart Excavating & Septic Service$187,450.00Olson Construction TRF Inc.$190,124.00Davidson Ready-Mix & Construction, Inc.$192,474.00Gladen Construction, Inc.$200,125.60Utility Systems of America Inc$232,357.50 |
Motion was made by Commissioner Beckel to award the bid for S.A.P. 39-598-65 & S.A.P. 39-604-07, Box Culvert Installations to Lian Construction in the amount of $180,959.The motion was seconded by Commissioner Arnesen and the same being put to a vote was unanimously carried.
S.P.39-617-08 update
Public Works Director, Tim Erickson met with the board and informed the board that Roseau County is working on the design for Co. Rd 17. The Public Works Department will be moving forward with delineating wetlands for the project and the proposal will cost roughly $12,500
Building and Grounds
Public Works Director, Tim Erickson met with the board and informed the board of Maintenance Supervisor, Matt Mickelson intent to retire. Tim explained that he would like to re-align the staffing and duties of the department. The consensus of the board was to set a work session for the restructure of the department.
Chairman Hanson discussed the Cartway Petition that was received from David and Mary Schrandt in respect to real property and requested them to set a public hearing date on the petition for the cartway.
Motion was made by Commissioner Moorman to set a Public Hearing for July 23, 2013 at 1:00 p.m. for a Cartway Hearing for David and Mary Schrandt. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nordlof and the same being put to a vote, was unanimously carried.
The meeting was called to recess at 11:40 a.m. for continuation of Board of Equalization Meeting. The regular meeting reconvened at 12:05 p.m. as follows:
Chairman Hanson discussed that this summer the Lineworkers School needs to be checked on at least once a week to make sure everything is operating correctly.
Chairman Hanson stated he received a request for consideration of closing the Government Center and Offices on July 5, 2013. No action was taken.
The board set July 22, 2013 at 7:30 a.m. for a work session for the 2014 budget.
With no further business before the board, Chairman Hanson called the meeting to recess at 12:36 p.m.
Attest: Approved: July 9, 2013
____________________________ _______________________________
Janet E. Rudd, Deputy Auditor Thomas Hanson, Chairman of the Board